it's almost summer which means summer reading lists and for me that means: adventure books. treasure island, the adventures of tom sawyer and huckleberry finn, gullivers travels, around the world in 80 days. adventure novels are my favorite, they always have been since i was a kid and would read mark twain in my barefeet and wish i was tom sawyer (NOT becky). they also remind me of the adventure book in the movie
the pagemaster. have any of you seen this film? its an animated movie from the 90s starring macauley culkin who gets trapped inside an animated book world when he visits a mysterious library. it wasn't very popular and a little bizarre but it was one of the movies my grandma bought us so we watched it. she also bought us a non-disney version of aladdin because she got confused. hmm.
for my summer:
-captains courageous, rudyard kipling
-robinson crusoe, daniel defoe
-moby dick, herman melville
-heart of darkness, joseph conrad
-o pioneers!, willa cather
-the swiss family robinson, johann david wyss
what's on your summer reading list?